수상 경력 (Awards)
- 이인원, 2004, 조선기자재 육성 유공자 부산광역시장 표창, 2004. 12. 23
- Ye-jin Cho, Hyun-ok Lim, Hyun Park, Inwon Lee, Ho-Hwan Chun, Nam-Ju Jo, 2010, Outstanding Poster Presentation Award, The 6th International Workshop on Green Composites, 2010. 09. 10
- 전호환, 이인원, 박 현, 2010, 제2회 국가녹색기술대상 국토해양부 장관상, 2010. 12. 6
- 전호환, 이인원, 박 현, 2010, 제2회 국가녹색기술대상 매일경제신문 회장상, 2010. 12. 6
- 김상민, 박현, 전호환, 이인원, 2011, 한국공업화학회 우수논문상, 2011. 11. 4 (논문제목 : Application of self-polishing copolymers containing PEO to marine paints)
- 김은영, 전호환, 이인원, 박현, 2013, 한국공업화학회 우수논문상, 2013. 5. 2 (논문제목 : Drag-reduction properties of the SPCs resin containing PEG groups)
- 김진우, 권고은, 전호환, 이인원, 박현, 2014, 한국공업화학회 우수논문상, 2014. 11. 14 (논문제목 : The long-term tests for friction resistance of anti-fouling paints)
저서 (Books)
- 전호환, 이인원, 2008, 저항추진실험, 부산대학교 조선해양공학과, ISBN : 978-89-7316-302-1 (2008.5.23)
- Babenko, V. V., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2012, Boundary Layer Flow over Elastic Surfaces: Compliant Surfaces and Combined Methods for Marine Vessel Drag Reduction, Butterworth-Heineman, ISBN : 978-0123948069 (2012.9.29)
- 전호환, 김문찬, 이인원, 2015, 선박 저항과 추진, 텍스트북스, ISBN : 978-89-93543-51-3 (2015.2.25)
- Lee, I., Boiko, A. V. and Kulik, V. M., 2015, New Perspective of Turbulent Skin Friction Reduction by Compliant Coating, Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control (eds. Yu Zhou, A. D. Lucey, Yang Liu, Lixi Huang), pp. 133-138, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-662-48866-9 (2015.12.18.)
- 서상호, 고형종, 김경진, 김문상, 김희동, 변영환, 윤경환, 이인원, 2017, 유체역학, 텍스트북스, ISBN : 978-89-93543-67-4 (2017.8.25.)
초청강연 (Invited Lectures)
- Lee, I., Boiko, A. V. and Kulik, V. M., 2015, New Perspective of Turbulent Skin Friction Reduction by Compliant Coating, 3rd Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, July 5-9, 2015, Perth, AUSTRALIA.
연구논문 발표 실적 (Publications)
국내학술지 (Domestic Journals)
- 이 인원, 성 형진, 2000, 후향계단 주위의 난류 박리재부착유동에서의 벽압력변동의 통계적 특징, 대한기계학회논문집 B권, 제24권 제2호, pp.280-287, ISSN : 1226-4881 (2000.2.1)
- 이 인섭, 이 인원, 2002, 마이크로 유동의 정량적 가시화, 기계저널, vol. 42, no. 5, pp.50-53, ISSN : 1226-7287 (2002.5.1)
- 안 승광, 이 인원, 성 형진, 2002, 후향계단 난류 박리재부착 유동에서의 대형와의 구조, 대한기계학회논문집 B권, 제26권 제12호, pp.1674-1680, ISSN : 1226-4881 (2002.12.1)
- 이 인섭, 성 재용, 이 인원, 2003, BioMEMS 에 적용되는 미소유체역학의 가시화기법, 기계저널, vol. 43, no. 2, pp.38-42, ISSN : 1226-7287 (2003.2.1)
- 이 인섭, 이 인원, 2003, 미소유동의 정량적 가시화 방법의 최근 연구동향, 한국가시화정보학회지, vol. 1, no. 1, pp.22-27, ISSN : 1598-8430 (2003.6.1)
- 김 경천, 오 성진, 이 인원, 2005, 국한 충돌 슬롯 제트의 비정상 거동에 대한 실험적 연구, 한국가시화정보학회지, vol. 3, no. 2, pp.57-62, ISSN : 1598-8430 (2005.12.1)
- 박현, 박진환, 하효민, 전호환, 이인원, 2006, 유동 전단응력에 의한 선박 유기도막의 열화거동 연구, 해양환경안전학회지, vol.12, no. 1, pp.9-14, ISSN : 1229-3431 (2006.3.31)
- 박현, 박진환, 하효민, 전호환, 이인원, 2006, 전단유동 하에서의 선박용 방식도막의 전기화학 특성, 대한조선학회 논문집, vol.43, no. 2, pp.268-274, ISSN : 1225-1143 (2006.4.1)
- Victor M. Kulik, 정광효, 전호환, 이인원, 2006, 점탄성 유동 벽면의 파동 감쇠 특성 해석, 대한기계학회 논문집 B권, 제30권 12호, pp. 1155-1163, ISSN : 1226-4881 (2006.12.1)
- 문경만, 조황래, 이명훈, 김현명, 이인원, 전호환, 2007, 중방식 도료의 내식성에 미치는 첨가제의 영향, 한국해양공학회지, 제21권 3호, pp. 65-70, ISSN : 1225-0767 (2007.6.1)
- 바셀 서우디, 안드레이 보이코, 전호환, 이인원, 2008, 유연벽면 점탄성 소재의 광대역 동특성 계측 기법, 대한조선학회 논문집, vol.45, no. 1, pp.73-80, ISSN : 1225-1143 (2008.2.20)
- 안남현, 이인원, 2008, POD 기법을 이용한 저 레이놀즈 수 국한 충돌 제트의 비정상 거동 연구, 한국가시화정보학회지, vol. 6, no. 1, pp.34-40, ISSN : 1598-8430 (2008. 6. 1)
- 안남현, 전호환, 이인원, 2008, 외부경계층 수직 날의 저항저감효과에 대한 실험적 연구, 대한조선학회 논문집, vol.45, no. 5, pp.487-494, ISSN : 1225-1143 (2008.10.20)
- 성찬경, 최미선, 전호환, 이인원, 박현, 이창훈, 2008, 생태독성검정을 위한 고랑따개비(Balamus albicostatus) 초기유생의 중금속에 대한 민감도 분석, 환경독성학회지, vol.23, no.4, pp.337-343, ISSN : 1226-9158
- 이인원, 안남현, 2009, 점탄성 재료의 복소수 동특성 측정방법, 대한기계학회논문집 A권, vol. 33, no. 5, pp.489-495, ISSN : 1226-4873 (2009.5.1)
- 이인원, 안남현, 2009, 유연벽면 점탄성 소재 배합비와 저항저감 효과의 상관관계, 대한기계학회논문집 B권, vol. 33, no. 6, pp.389-395, ISSN : 1226-4881 (2009.6.1)
- 최희종, 전호환, 윤현식, 이인원, 박동우, 김동진, 2009, 선미부에 유동제어판을 부착한 선박에 대한 포텐셜 유동해석, 대한조선학회논문집, vol. 46, no. 6, pp.587-594, ISSN : 1225-1143 (2009.12.20)
- 장호윤, 박충환, 김헌우, 이병성, 이인원, 2010, 30ft급 쌍동형 세일링 요트의 선체 유체력 계측에 의한 세일력 추정방법에 관한 연구, 대한조선학회논문집, vol. 47, no. 4, pp.477-483, ISSN : 1225-1143 (2010.8.20)
- 김필근, 박맹언, 이인원, 전호환, 박현, 2010, 방오도료 용출수의 조피볼락과 알테미아에 대한 급성독성 평가, 해양환경안전학회지, vol. 16, no. 4, pp.361-367, ISSN : 1229-3431 (2010.12.31)
- 박현, 안남현, 박성현, 전호환, 이인원, 2011, 경계층 외부 수직날의 마찰저항 저감 기구에 대한 PIV 관측, 한국가시화정보학회지, vol. 9, no. 1, pp.20-28, ISSN : 1598-8430 (2011. 3. 31)
- 안남현, 박성현, 전호환, 이인원, 2013, POD 기법을 이용한 경계층 외부 수직날의 마찰저항 저감 기구에 대한 관측, 대한기계학회논문집 B권, vol. 37, no. 6, pp.567-575, ISSN : 1226-4881 (2013. 6. 1)
- 박현, 전호환, 이인원, 2013, 화상 분석을 통한 선박 방오도료의 성능 평가, 한국가시화정보학회지, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 18-26, ISSN : 1598-8430 (2013. 9. 1)
- 이인원, 박성현, 전호환, 황아롬, 안남현, 2013, 스테레오 시간분해 입자영상유속계를 이용한 외부경계층 수직날 배열에 의한 마찰저항 저감 기구에 관한 실험적 조사, 한국동력기계공학회지, vol. 17, no. 6, pp.96-102, ISSN : 1226-7813 (2013. 12. 1)
- 정성우, 김은영, 전호환, 박현, 이인원, 2014, 마찰저항 저감을 위한 고분자 수지 합성 및 PIV 유동장 계측. 한국가시화정보학회지, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 49-53, ISSN : 1598-8430 (2014. 4. 1)
- 서형석, 장호윤, 이인원, 최홍섭, 2015, 해양레저 분야 복합소재 적용 연구 소개 : 33피트급 아메리카스컵 훈련용 CFRP 세일링 요트 개발, Composites Research, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 15-21, ISSN : 2288-2103 (2015. 2. 1)
- 박성현, 이인원, 2016, 공기윤활평판실험에서 디지털 영상분석을 통한 윤활공기막 검출기법, 한국가시화정보학회지, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 49-53, ISSN : 1598-8430 (2016. 4. 30)
- 양정우, 박현, 이인원, 2017, 상사축척법에 기반한 저마찰 선박 방오도료의 실선 마찰저항 저감성능 추정, 대한조선학회논문집, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 71-81, ISSN : 1225-1143 (2017. 1. 31)
- 이철민, 이인원, 백광준, 2017, 유체 격자 시스템에 따른 유체-구조 연성 결과 분석 및 검증, 한국마린엔지니어링학회지, vol. 41, no. 6, pp.514-522, ISSN: 2234-7925 (2017. 7. 1)
- 호산나 우위톤즈, 이인원, 2017, 위핑 유동 조건에서의 직사각형 체 주위 유동의 수력학적 분석, 한국가시화정보학회지, vol. 15, no. 3, pp.34-40, ISSN : 1598-8430 (2017. 12. 1)
- 양정우, 박현, 이인원, 2017, 중형 컨테이너선의 연료절감형 비틀림 타 개발, 대한조선학회문집, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 169-177, ISSN : 1225-1143 (2018. 3. 31)
- 이성훈, 이인원, 2018, 모형선 시험을 통한 외부경계층 수직 날 배열의 저항저감효과 검증, 한국가시화정보학회지, submitted, ISSN : 1598-8430
국제학술지 (International Journals)
- Lee, I. and Sung, H. J., 1999, Development of an array of pressure sensors with PVDF film, Experiments in Fluids, vol.26, no. 1, pp.27-35, ISSN : 0723-4864, Impact factor : 0.821 (SCI), (1999.1.8)
- Chun, S. J., Lee, I. and Sung, H. J., 1999, Effect of spanwise-varying local forcing on turbulent separated flow over a backward-facing step, Experiments in Fluids, vol.26, no.5, pp.437-440, ISSN : 0723-4864, Impact factor : 0.821 (SCI), (1999.4.1)
- Lee, I. and Sung, H. J., 2001, Characteristics of wall pressure fluctuations in separated flows over a backward-facing step: Part I. Time-mean and cross-spectral analyses, Experiments in Fluids, vol.30, no. 3, pp.262-272, ISSN : 0723-4864, Impact factor : 0.821 (SCI), (2001.3.5)
- Lee, I. and Sung, H. J., 2001, Characteristics of wall pressure fluctuations in separated flows over a backward-facing step: Part II. Unsteady wavelet analyses, Experiments in Fluids, vol.30, no. 3, pp.273-282, ISSN : 0723-4864, Impact factor : 0.821 (SCI), (2001.3.5)
- Park, S. H., Lee, I. and Sung, H. J., 2001, Effect of local forcing on a turbulent boundary layer, Experiments in Fluids, vol.31, no. 4, pp.384-393, ISSN : 0723-4864 (SCI), Impact factor : 0.821 (2001.9.26)
- Lee, I. and Sung, H. J., 2002, Multiple-Arrayed Pressure Measurement for Investigation of the Unsteady Flow Structure of a Reattaching Shear Layer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 463, pp.377-402, ISSN : 0022-1120, Impact factor : 1.921 (SCI), (2002.7.25)
- Lee, I., Ahn, S. K. and Sung, H. J., 2004, Three-dimensional coherent structure in a separated and reattaching flow over a backward-facing step, Experiments in Fluids, vol.36, no. 3, pp.373-383, ISSN : 0723-4864, Impact factor : 0.851 (SCI), (2004.3.1)
- Suh, S-B., Boiko, A. V., Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., 2005, The Response of Three-dimensional Boundary Layer over a Swept-wing to a Free Stream Axial Vortex, Journal of Ocean Science and Technology, vol. 2, no. 1, pp.50-58, ISSN : 1738-2254, (2005.3.1)
- Kulik, V. M., Rodyakin, S. V., Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., 2005, Deformation of a viscoelastic coating under the action of convective pressure fluctuations, Experiments in Fluids, vol. 38, no. 5, pp.648-655, ISSN : 0723-4864, Impact factor : 1.062 (SCI), (2005.5.1)
- Boiko, A. V., Chun, H. H., Litvinenko, M. V., Kozlov, V. V., Cherednichenko, E. E. and Lee, I., 2005, Longitudinal Structures in Plane Jets, Doklady Physics, vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 377-379, ISSN : 1028-3358, Impact factor : 0.283 (SCI), (2005.7.1)
- Kulik, V. M., Rodyakin, S. V., Suh, S-B., Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., 2005, The response of compliant coating to non-stationary disturbances, Physics of Fluids, vol. 17, no. 8, 088104, ISSN : 1070-6631, Impact factor : 1.728 (SCI), (2005.8.1)
- Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Kim, J., 2006, The transient response characteristics of compliant coating to pressure fluctuations, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 20, no. 4, pp.533-544, ISSN : 1738-494X, Impact factor : 0.183 (SCIE), (2006.4.1)
- Kim, K. C., Yoon, S. Y., Kim, S. M., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I. , 2006, An orthogonal-plane PIV technique for the investigations of three-dimensional vortical structures in a turbulent boundary layer flow, Experiments in Fluids, vol. 40, no. 6, pp.876-883, ISSN : 0723-4864, Impact factor : 1.112 (SCI), (2006.6.1)
- Boiko, A. V., Jung, K. H., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2007, Effects of riblets on the streaky structures excited by free stream tip vortices in boundary layer, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 21, no. 1, pp.196-206, ISSN : 1738-494X, Impact factor : 0.215 (SCIE), (2007. 1. 1)
- Chernoray, V. G., Kozlov, V. V., Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., 2007, Influence of an unfavourable pressure gradient on the breakdown of boundary layer streaks, Journal of Visualization, vol. 10, no. 2, pp.217-225, ISSN : 1343-8875, Impact factor : 0.867 (SCIE), (2007. 4. 1)
- Kim, C. H., Lim, H.-O., Chung, I., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N.-J., 2007, Actuation behavior of waterbourne polyurethane/conductive filler nanocomposite electrode, Composite Interfaces, vol. 14, no. 5-6, pp.477-491, ISSN : 0927-6440, Impact factor : 0.911 (SCI), (2007. 6. 1)
- Kim, K. C., Min, Y. U., Oh, S. J., An, N. H., Seoudi, B., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2007, Time-resolved PIV Investigation on the Unsteadiness of a Low Reynolds Number Confined Impinging Jet, Journal of Visualization, vol. 10, no. 4, pp.367-379, ISSN : 1343-8875, Impact factor : 0.867 (SCIE), (2007. 10. 23)
- Seoudi, B., Kim, S. H., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2008, Numerical estimation of dynamic behavior of viscoelastic elastomer specimen, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 22, no. 6, pp.1140-1148, ISSN : 1738-494X, Impact factor : 0.258 (SCIE), (2008. 6. 1)
- Kulik, V. M., Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., 2008, Wave properties of coating for skin friction reduction, Physics of Fluids, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 075109 1-10, ISSN : 1070-6631, Impact factor : 1.738 (SCI), (2008. 7. 1)
- An, Y-H., Seo, P-S., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N-J., 2009, Improvement in Weatherability of Transparent Plastics by Sol-Gel Coating with UV Absorber and HALS, Journal of Polymer Engineering, vol.29, no. 1, pp.51-62, ISSN : 0334-6447, Impact factor : 0.486 (SCIE), (2009.3.1)
- Seoudi, B., Kulik, V. M., Boiko, A. V., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2009, New approach to the computation of the form factor of viscoelastic cylinders, Mechanics of Materials, vol.41, no. 5, pp.495-505, ISSN : 0167-6636, Impact factor : 2.206 (SCI), (2009.5.1)
- Kulik, V. M., Semenov, B. N., Boiko, A. V., Seoudi, B., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2009, Measurement of dynamic properties of viscoelastic materials, Experimental Mechanics, vol.49, no. 3, pp.417-425, ISSN : 0014-4851, Impact factor : 1.542 (SCI), (2009.6. 9)
- Lee, W.-K., Song, J.-M., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N.-J., 2009, Actuation mechanism of solid state polypyrrole actuator according to dopant size, Materials Research Innovations, vol.13, no. 3, pp.235-238, ISSN : 1432-8917, Impact factor : 1.723 (SCI), (2009. 9. 1)
- Boiko, A. V., Kulik, V. M., Seoudi, B., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2010, Measurement method of complex viscoelastic material properties, International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 47, no. 3-4, pp. 374-382, ISSN : 0020-7683, Impact factor : 1.677 (SCI), (2010.2.1)
- Kim, Y-H., Chung, W-S., Chun, H. H., Lee, I., Kim, Y-H., Kim, D-H., Park, H., 2010, The Effect of Ball Milling on the pH of Mg-Based Metals, Oxides and Zn in Aqueous Media, Metals and Materials International, vol. 16, no. 2, pp.253-258, ISSN : 1598-9623, Impact factor : 1.199 (SCI), (2010.4.26)
- Jo, N. J., Lim, D. H., Bark, G. -M., Chun, H. H., Lee, I., Park, H., 2010, Polyurethane-based Actuators with Various Polyols, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 763-768, ISSN : 1005-0302, Impact factor : 0.759 (SCIE), (2010.8.23.)
- Babenko, V. V., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2010, Coherent vortical structures and methods of their control for drag reduction of bodies, Journal of Hydrodynamics, vol. 22, iss. 5, suppl. 1, pp. 45-50, ISSN : 1001-6058, Impact factor : 0.776 (SCIE), (2010.10.1.)
- Lee, D-K., Chung, W-S., Kim, Y-H., Lee, I., Chun, H-H. and Park, H., 2010, The pH Effect for Rare Earth Metals Nd, Pr and Y in Aqueous Solution Dissolved Mg, Zn and Al, Metals and Materials International, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 833-836, ISSN : 1598-9623, Impact factor : 1.199 (SCI), (2010.10.26)
- Jo, N. J., Lim, H-O., Park, M-Y., Park, H., Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., 2011, The effect of carbon filler type on actuation behavior of conducting polymer actuator, Functional Materials Letters, vol. 4, no. 1, pp.75-78, ISSN : 1793-6047, Impact factor : 0.724 (SCIE), (2011.3.1)
- Kulik, V. M., Boiko A. V., Bardakhanov, S. P., Park, H., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I. , 2011, Viscoelastic properties of silicone rubber with admixture of SiO2 nanoparticles, Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 528, no. 18, pp.5729-5732, ISSN : 0921-5093, Impact factor : 2.003 (SCI), (2011.7.15)
- Park, H., An, N. H., Hutchins, N., Choi, K-S., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2011, Experimental Investigation on the Drag Reducing Efficiency of the Outer-layer Vertical Blades, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, vol. 16, no. 4, pp.390-401, ISSN : 0948-4280, Impact factor : 0.547 (SCIE), (2011.12.1)
- Boiko, A. V., Kulik, V. M., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2011, Verification of drag-reduction capabilities of stiff compliant coatings in air flow at moderate speeds, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, vol. 3, no. 4, pp.242-253, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.231 (SCIE), (2011. 12. 30)
- Jo, N.-J., Kim, D. W., Kang, T. W., Park, H., Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., 2012, The Effect of Hydrophilic Components of Zinc based Copolymer on Its Self Polishing Behavior, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 217-219, pp 652~655, ISSN : 1660-9336, (2012. 08. 01)
- Chun, H. H., Kim, M. C., Lee, I., Kim, K., Lee, J. K. and Jung, K. H., 2012, Experimental investigation on stern-boat deployment system and operability for Korean coast guard ship, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, vol. 4, no. 4, pp.488-503, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.356 (SCIE), (2012. 12. 30)
- Kim, Y. W., Lee, J. M., Lee, I., Lee, S. H. and Ko, J. S., 2013, Skin Friction Reduction in Tubes with Hydrophobically Structured Surfaces, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, vol. 14, no. 2, pp.299-306, ISSN : 2234-7593, Impact factor : 1.585 (SCIE), (2013. 2. 1)
- Sridhar, V., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Park, H., 2013, Graphene Reinforced Biodegradable Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) Nano-composites, Express Polymer Letters, vol. 7, no. 4, pp.320-328, ISSN : 1788-618X, Impact factor : 2.953 (SCIE), (2013. 4. 1)
- Rahman, M. M., Kim, H. D., Chun, H. H., Lee, I. and Park, H., 2013, Properties of Waterborne Polyurethane (WBPU) Coatings: Effect of Alkyl Chain Length of Tertiary Amines of Carboxylic Acid Salt Groups, Fibers and Polymers, vol. 14, no. 6, pp.886-894, ISSN : 1229-9197, Impact factor : 1.113 (SCIE), (2013. 6. 1)
- Jung, J. H., Yoon, H. S., Chun, H. H., Lee, I. and Park, H., 2013, Numerical simulation of wave interacting with a free rolling body, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, vol. 5, no. 3, pp.333-347, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.216 (SCIE), (2013. 9. 1)
- Vadahanambi, S., Lee, I., Yoon, H-S., Chun, H-H. and Park, H., 2013, "Microwave synthesis of three dimensional graphene-based shell-plate hybrid nanostructures", Carbon, vol. 61, pp.633-639, ISSN : 0008-6223, Impact factor : 6.160 (SCI), (2013. 9. 1)
- Rahman, M. M., Lee, I., Chun, H. H., Kim, H. D. and Park, H., 2014, Properties of Waterborne Polyurethane-Fluorinated Marine Coatings: The Effect of Different Types of Diisocyanates and Tetrafluorobutanediol Chain Extender Content, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 131, no. 4, pp.39905 1-7, ISSN : 0021-8995, Impact factor : 1.768 (SCI), (2014. 2. 15)
- Park, T., Sung, Y., Kim, T., Lee, I., Choi, G. and Kim D., 2014, Effect of static mixer geometry on flow mixing and pressure drop in marine SCR applications, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, vol. 6, no. 1, pp.27-38, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.384 (SCIE), (2014. 3. 1)
- An, N. H., Ryu, S. H., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2014, An experimental assessment of resistance reduction and wake modification of a KVLCC model by using outer-layer vertical blades, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, vol. 6, no. 1, pp.151-161, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.384 (SCIE), (2014. 3. 1)
- Kwon, B. H., Kim, H. H., Jeon, H. J., Kim, M. C., Lee, I., Chun, S. and Go, J. S., 2014, Experimental study on the reduction of skin frictional drag in pipe flow by using convex air bubbles, Experiments in Fluids, vol. 55, article 1722, ISSN: 0723-4864, Impact factor : 1.670(SCI), (2014. 4. 16)
- Yang, J. W., Park, H., Chun, H. H., Ceccio, S. L., Perlin, M. and Lee, I., 2014, Development and performance at high Reynolds number of a skin-friction reducing marine paint using polymer additives, Ocean Engineering, vol. 84, pp.183-193, ISSN : 0029-8018, Impact factor : 1.351 (SCI), (2014. 7. 1)
- Kim, B-W., Kang, T-W., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N-J., 2014, Self-Polishing Behavior of Zinc-Based Copolymer with Different Monomer Composition, Macromolecular Research, vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 978-982, ISSN : 1598-5032, Impact factor : 1.597 (SCI), (2014. 9. 1)
- Park, S. H., An, N. H., Yoon, H. S., Park, H., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2014, Time Resolved PIV Investigation on the Skin Friction Reduction Mechanism of Outer-layer Vertical Blades Array, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 7, no. 2, Article ID 901421, ISSN : 1687-8132, Impact factor : 0.575 (SCIE), (2014. 10. 30)
- Kim, D-H., Jung, M-Y., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H-H. and Jo, N-J., 2015, Antifouling Paint Resin Based on Polyurethane Matrix with Quaternary Ammonium Salt, Polymer(Korea), vol. 39, no. 1, pp.122-129, (in Korean) ISSN : 0379-153X, Impact factor : 0.388 (SCIE), (2015. 1. 1)
- Hong, S. P., Lee, I., Park, S. H., Lee, C., Chun, H. H. and Lim H. C., 2015, An experimental study of the effect of mooring systems on the dynamics of a SPAR buoy-type floating offshore wind turbine, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, vol. 7, no. 3, pp.559-579, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.722 (SCIE), (2015. 6. 1)
- Sridah, V., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Park, H., 2015, Microwave synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes anchored on graphene substrates, Carbon, vol. 87, pp.186-192, ISSN : 0008-6223, Impact factor : 6.198 (SCI), (2015. 6. 1)
- Sridah, V., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Park, H., 2015, Hydroquinone as a single precursor for concurrent reduction and growth of carbon nanotubes on graphene oxide, RSC Advances, vol. 5, no. 84, pp.68270-68275, ISSN : 2046-2069, Impact factor : 3.289 (SCIE), (2015. 8. 1)
- Kim, S-M., Han, S. S., Kim, A. Y., Choi, B-J., Paik, H-J., Lee, I., Park, H., Chun, H. H., Cho, Y. and Hwang D-H., 2015, Anti-biofouling Effect of PEG-grafted Block Copolymer Synthesized by RAFT Polymerization, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 15, no. 10, pp.7866-7870, ISSN : 1533-4880, Impact factor : 1.338 (SCI), (2015. 10. 1)
- Kim, S-M., Kim, A. Y., Park, H., Chun, H. H., Lee, I., Cho, Y. and Hwang D-H., 2015, Amphiphilic Random Copolymers Consisting of Styrene, EGMA, and HEMA for Anti-Biofouling Coatings, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, vol. 622, pp.151-157, ISSN : 1542-1406, Impact factor : 0.532 (SCI), (2015. 12. 16)
- Lee, J. H., Kang, S. G., Kim, I. T., Kwon, S., Lee, I. and Lee, S. G., 2016, Adsorption Mechanisms of Lithium Oxides (LixO2) on N-doped Graphene: A Density Functional Theory Study with Implications for Lithium-Air Batteries, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, vol. 135, no. 3, article # 50, ISSN : 1432-881X, Impact factor : 1.890 (SCI), (2016. 3. 15)
- Uwitonze, H., Hwang, K. S. and Lee, I., 2016, A new design method and operation of fully thermally coupled distillation column, Chemical Engineering and Processing, vol. 102, pp.47-58, ISSN : 0255-2701, Impact factor : 2.234 (SCI), (2016. 4. 1)
- Jo, J. H., Ko, H. C., Kim, B. W., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N-J., 2016, Micellar core-shell-type acrylic-polyurethane hybrid materials with self-polishing property, Composite Interfaces, vol. 23, no. 8, pp.797-805, ISSN : 0927-6440, Impact factor : 1.083 (SCI), (2016. 4. 1)
- Ahn, E. Y., Seo, Y. S., Cho, J. H., Lee, I., Hwang, J., Jeen, H., 2016, Epitaxial growth and metallicity of rutile MoO2 thin film, RSC Advances, vol. 6, pp. 60704-60708, ISSN : 2046-2069, Impact factor : 3.108 (SCIE), (2016. 6. 17)
- Uwitonze, H., Lee, I. and Hwang, K. S., 2016, Alternatives of integrated processes for coproduction of LNG and NGLs recovery, Chemical Engineering and Processing, vol. 107, pp. 157-167, ISSN : 0255-2701, Impact factor : 2.234 (SCI), (2016. 9. 1)
- Kong, H., Ahn, E. Y., Ryu, S., Kim, J. W., Cho, J. H., Park, S., Kim, D., Jeen, G. S., Lee, I., Jeen, H., 2016, Growth and physical properties of large MoO3 single crystals, Journal of Materials Science, vol. 51, no. 19, pp. 8928-8934, ISSN : 0022-2461, Impact factor : 2.599 (SCI), (2016. 10. 1)
- Kim, S-M., Kim, A. Y., Lee, I., Park, H., and Hwang D-H., 2016, Synthesis and Characterization of Self-polishing Copolymers Containing a New Zinc Acrylate Monomer, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 16, no. 10, pp.10903-10907, ISSN : 1533-4880, Impact factor : 1.483 (SCI), (2016. 10. 1)
- Choi, B. S., Park, J. C., Hwang, S. H., Kim J. K., Shin, S. C., Lee, I., Ryu, J. H. and Cho, H., 2016, Etch selectivities of mask materials for micromachining of ultrananocrystalline diamond film, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, vol. 17, no. 11, pp.1123-1126, ISSN : 1229-9162, Impact factor : 0.320 (SCIE), (2016. 11. 1)
- Ahn, E. Y., Lee, J. H., Koh, Y. Y., Lee, J., Park, B-G., Kim, J-Y., Lee, I., Lee, C-W., Jeen, H., 2017, Low Temperature Nanoscale Oxygen-Ion Intercalation Into Epitaxial MoO2 Thin Films, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Part. C, vol. 121, pp.3410-3415, ISSN : 1932-7447, Impact factor : 4.536 (SCI), (2017. 1. 24)
- Gangaraju, D., Vadahanambi, S., Lee, I. and Park, H., 2017, Graphene – carbon nanotube – Mn3O4 mesoporous nano-alloys as high capacity anodes for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 699, pp.106-111, ISSN : 0925-8388, Impact factor : 3.133 (SCI), (2017. 3. 30)
- Jo, S. H., Lee, I., Park, H. and Lee, H., 2017, Experimental evidence and mechanism of the oxygen storage capacity in MnO2-Ce(1-x)ZrxO2/TiO2 catalyst for low-temperature SCR, Ceramics International, vol. 43, no. 6, pp.5182-5188, ISSN : 0272-8842, Impact factor : 2.986 (SCI), (2017. 4. 15)
- Heo, Y. A. and Lee, I., 2017, Parametric Generation of Explosion Scenarios for Quantitative Risk Assessment of Gas Explosion in Offshore Plants, Process Safety Progress, vol. 36, no. 2, pp.139-149, ISSN : 1066-8527, Impact factor : 0.812 (SCIE), (2017. 6. 1)
- Uwitonze, H., Hwang, K. S. and Lee, I., 2017, Modelling and improving natural gas condensate process with stripping and heat integration, Chemical Engineering and Processing, vol. 118, pp.71-77, ISSN : 0255-2701, Impact factor : 2.234 (SCI), (2017. 8. 1)
- Seo, H. S., Jang, H. Y. and Lee, I., 2017, Experimental Investigation of Salt Fog Effect on the CFRP Laminates, Advanced Composite Materials, vol. 26, no. 4, pp.321-334, ISSN : 0924-3046, Impact factor : 1.407 (SCIE), (2017. 8. 1)
- Jang, H., Seo, H. and Lee, I., 2017, Effectiveness of CFRP rudder aspect ratio for scale model catamaran racing yacht test, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 31, no. 9, pp.4109-4117, ISSN : 1738-494X, Impact factor : 1.128 (SCIE), (2017. 9. 1)
- Yu, J. W., Lee, C. M., Lee, I. and Choi, J. E., 2017, Bow hull-form optimization in waves of a 66,000 DWT bulk carrier, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, vol. 9, pp.499-508, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.606 (SCIE), (2017. 9. 1)
- Yu, J. W., Lee, C. M., Choi, J. E. and Lee, I., 2017, Effect of ship motions on added resistance in regular head waves of KVLCC2, Ocean Engineering, vol. 146, pp.375-387, ISSN : 0029-8018, Impact factor : 1.894 (SCI), (2017. 12. 1)
- Park, S. H. and Lee, I., 2017, Optimization of Drag Reduction Effect of Air Lubrication for a Tanker Model, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, published online, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.606 (SCIE)
- Lee, C. M., Yu, J-W., Choi, J-E., and Lee, I., 2017, Effect of bow hull forms on the resistance performance in calm water and waves for 66k DWT bulk carrier, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, revised, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.606 (SCIE)
- Lee, C. M., Park, S-C., Yu, J-W., Choi, J-E., and Lee, I., 2017, Effects of diffraction in regular head waves on added resistance and wake using CFD, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, submitted, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.606 (SCIE)
- Jang, H. Y., Seo, H. S., Lee, I. and Youn, D. H., 2017, Optimization of the Spudcan Shape of Jack-up Platform for Offshore Wind Turbine Substructure through Model Basin Test, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, submitted, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.606 (SCIE)
- Lee, J., Ahn, E., Seo, Y-S., Kim, Y., Jeon T-Y., Cho, J., Lee, I. and Jeen, H., 2018, Redox-Driven Nanoscale Topotactic Transformations in Epitaxial SrFe0.8Co0.2O3−x under Atmospheric Pressure, Physical Review Applied, vol. 10, 054035-1-7, ISSN: 2331-7019, Impact factor: 4.782 (SCIE), (2018. 11. 15)
- Ahn, E., Min, T., Lee, J., Lee, I., Kim, Y. and Jeen, H., 2018, Role of surface oxidation for thickness-driven insulator-to-metal transition in epitaxial MoO2 films, Applied Surface Science, vol. 459, pp.92-97, ISSN : 0169-4332, Impact factor : 4.439 (SCI), (2018. 11. 30)
- Kim, G., Zhang Y-Q., Min, T., Suh, H., Jang, J. H., Kong, H., Lee, J., Lee, J., Jeon, T-Y., Lee, I., Cho, J., Ota, H. and Jeen, H., 2018, Extremely Light Carrier-Effective Mass in a Distorted Simple Metal Oxide, Advanced Electronic Materials, in press, ISSN : 2199-160X, Impact factor : 5.466 (SCIE), (2018. 12. 08)
- Jeon, M., Noh, Y., Shin, Y., Lim, O-K., Lee, I. and Cho, D., 2018, Prediction of Ship’s Fuel Consumption Using Artificial Neural Network, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, in press, ISSN : 1738-494X, Impact factor : 1.194 (SCIE)
- Lee, C. M., Yu, J-W., Choi, J-E., and Lee, I., 2017, Effect of bow hull forms on the resistance performance in calm water and waves for 66k DWT bulk carrier, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, revised, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.930 (SCIE)
- Lee, C. M., Park, S-C., Yu, J-W., Choi, J-E., and Lee, I., 2018, Effects of diffraction in regular head waves on added resistance and wake using CFD, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, revised, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.930 (SCIE)
- Lee, C. M., Paik, K. J., Kim, E, and Lee, I., 2018, Study on the pivoted circular motion acting on the tandem cylinder using CFD, Journal of Fluids and Structures, submitted, ISSN : 0889-9746, Impact factor : 2.434 (SCI)
- Lee, C. M., Seo, J-H., Yu, J-W., Choi, J-E., and Lee, I., 2018, Prediction of power increase and propulsive performances in regular head short waves of KVLCC2 using CFD, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, submitted, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.930 (SCIE)
- Jang, H. Y., Seo, H. S., Lee, I. and Youn, D. H., 2018, Optimization of the Spudcan Shape of Jack-up Platform for Offshore Wind Turbine Substructure through Model Basin Test, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, submitted, ISSN : 2092-6782, Impact factor : 0.930 (SCIE)
국내학술대회 (Domestic Conference)
- 이인원, 성형진, 1999, 후향계단 주위 유동에서의 벽면변동압력 측정, 대한기계학회 유체공학부문 추계학술대회 논문집 B권, pp.340-345.
- 이인원, 최제호, 이인섭, 2001, 플라스틱 미소유체요소 내부유동의 PIV 측정, 대한기계학회 추계학술대회 논문집 B권, pp.400-404
- 이인원, 남영석, 이인섭, 2002, 플라스틱 미소유체요소 입구유동의 3차원 측정 및 수치해석, 제4회 MEMS 학술대회 논문집, pp.262-267
- 안광협, 이정호, 이인원, 이인섭, 2002, 왕복동식 압축기 성능 예측, 대한기계학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, pp. 1506-1511
- 이정호, 안광협, 이인원, 이인섭, 2002, 왕복동식 압축기 성능에 관한 흡입시스템의 영향, 대한기계학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, pp. 1815-1819
- 이인원, 안 광협, 남 영석, 이 인섭, 2002, 미소유체요소 내부유동의 3차원 측정 및 수치해석, 제2회 한국유체공학학술대회 논문집, pp. 419-422
- 이인원, A. V. Boiko, 전 호환 , 2004, 리브렛에 의한 경계층 내 streak 불안정성의 제어, 대한조선학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, pp. 1256-1261
- 이인원, 전 호환, 김 경천, 2004, 편광 기법을 이용한 3차원 난류 경계층 구조의 PIV 계측, 대한조선학회 추계학술대회 논문집, pp. 487-492
- 이인원, 전 호환, 김 진, 2005, 비정상 압력변동에 의한 compliant coating 의 응답특성, 2005년도 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회 논문집, pp. 820-825
- 서광철, Mehmet Atlar, 강대수, 김희정, 이인원, 전호환, 2007, 추진효율 향상을 위한 “Inclined Keel" 개념과 조파저항 관점의 선형 최적화, 대한조선학회 추계학술대회 논문집, pp. 749-756
- 이인원, 안남현, 전호환, 2007, 수직 날 배열을 이용한 난류경계층 마찰저항 저감, 대한조선학회 추계학술대회 논문집, pp. 1190-1195
- 이인원, 신주호, 장호윤, 권상훈, 전호환, 2007, 실리콘 폴리우레아 도료의 마찰저항 저감성능 연구, 대한조선학회 추계학술대회 논문집, pp.1196-1199
- 이인원, 안남현, 전호환, 2008, 외부경계층 수직 날 배열의 마찰저항 저감효과, 대한기계학회 열공학부문/유체공학부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, pp. 505-508
- 이인원, 권상훈, 장호윤, 전호환, 2008, 실리콘 폴리우레아 도료의 마찰저항 저감성능의 실험적 연구, 대한기계학회 열공학부문/유체공학부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, pp. 509-512
- 바셀 서우디, 이인원, 전호환, 안드레이 보이코, 2008, 유연벽면 점탄성 코팅의 저항저감 효과에 대한 풍동실험, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회 논문집, pp. 1294-1301
- 빅토르 쿨릭, 전호환, 이인원, 2008, 저항저감을 위한 유연벽면 물성변수의 최적화, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회 논문집, pp. 1302-1309
- 이인원, 이경완, 전호환, 최희종, 변태영, 이평국, 정영준, 유용완, 박노준, 2008, 선미부 유동제어판을 이용한 컨테이너 선의 저항추진 성능개선에 관한 연구, 대한조선학회 추계학술대회 논문집, pp.236-241
- 신주호, 전호환, 이인원, 2008, 수직날 배열을 이용한 난류경계층 마찰저항 저감, 대한조선학회 추계학술대회 논문집, pp.477-483
- 장호윤, 전호환, 이인원, 권상훈, 2008, 실리콘 폴리우레아 도료의 저항저감 특성에 대한 실험적 연구, 대한조선학회 추계학술대회 논문집, pp.484-492
- 이인원, 전호환, 이호상, 2009, 점탄성 소재를 이용한 난류경계층의 마찰저항 저감의 실험적 연구, 대한기계학회 유체공학부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, pp.245-248
- 김태용, 전호환, 이인원, 2009, 고속정 저항 성능 개선을 위한 부가물 최적화 실험 연구, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회 논문집, pp. 663-670
- 하성목, 김희정, 전호환, 이인원, 서관희, 이정관, 2009, 다목적함수 최적화 이론을 응용한 상륙함 선수선형의 최적화, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회 논문집, pp. 671-671
- 문경만, 김윤해, 이명훈, 이인원, 박현, 전호환, 2009, 확산한계전류밀도 고찰에 의한 방청도료의 내식성평가, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회 논문집, pp. 1800-1803
- 박순민, 조남주, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 2009, Preparation of Tin-free Antifouling Paint Matrix using Polyurethanes with Different Types of Polyol, 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회 논문집
- 최이환, 강태운, 조남주, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 2009, Synthesis and Self-Polishing Performance of Zinc based Copolymers for Marine Paints, 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회 논문집
- 김형수, 전호환, 이인원, 2009, 진동캐비테이션 실험을 이용한 내침식성 러더용 코팅재의 성능평가, 대한조선학회 추계학술대회 논문집, pp.574-580
- 장진호, 이영진, 송윤영, 유성선, 조희상, 이인원, 2010, 방오 도료가 도장된 평판 형 시험체의 저항특성 연구, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회 논문집, pp. 1104-1110
- 정재환, 이창열, 윤현식, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 송유석, 김양수, 김대영, 윤광원, 변구근, 2010, 선체블록 도장건조 시뮬레이터 개발연구, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회 논문집, pp. 2204-2211
- 김동욱, 최이환, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2011, Synthesis of Siloxane-Urethane Copolymer with Fouling Release Behavior as Antifouling Paint Resin, 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회, 1PS-74
- 류승환, 조남주, 박현, 전호환, 이인원, 2011, Synthesis of Poly(methacrylic acid)-block-Polyurethane -block-Poly(methacrylic acid) tri-Block copolymers with Self-Polishing Property, 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회, 1PS-92
- 김상민, 박현, 전호환, 이인원, 2011, Application of the self-polishing copolymers containing PEO to marine paints, 2011년 한국공업화학회 추계학술대회, 2P-23
- 김동욱, 류승환, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2012, Antifouling Paint based on Poly(methacrylic acid)-b-Polyurethane-b-Poly(methacrylic acid) Tri-block Copolymers with Tertiary Amines, 한국고분자학회 춘계학술대회, 1PS-99
- 김병우, 박순민, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2012, Self Polishing Properties of Antifouling Paint Resins based on Polyurethane Matrices, 한국고분자학회 춘계학술대회, 1PS-105
- 김동욱, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2012, Synthesis of Siloxane-Urethane Copolymer with the Fouling-Release Property, 한국접착 및 계면학회, PS34, pp.98-99
- 김병우, 박순민, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2012, Preparation of Antifouling Paint Matrix using Polyurethane, 한국접착 및 계면학회, PS35, pp.100-101
- 유상훈, 전호환, 이인원, 2012, KVLCC 에 부착된 외부경계층 수직 날의 기하학적 변화헤 따른 저항감소 및 반류분포의 변화, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회 논문집, pp.1013-1017
- 김동욱, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2012, Synthesis of Poly(tert-butyldimethylsilyl metacrylate) -block-Polyurethane-block Poly(tert-butyldimethylsilyl metacrylate) Tri-Block Copolymers with Self-Polishing Property , 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회, 1PS-70
- 김병우, 류승환, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2012, Preparation of Self polishing Matrix using Poly(methacrylic acid)-block-Polyurethane-block-Poly(methacrylic acid) Tri-Block Copolymers, 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회, 1PS-77
- 정은영, 박순민, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2012, Polyurethane-based Antifouling Paint Resin with Self Polishing Poperty, 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회, 3PS-81
- 김은영, 전호환, 이인원, 박현, 2012, Effect of the monomer containing PEG groups on the drag-reduction of SPC resins, 한국공업화학회 추계학술대회, 1P-132
- 안남현, 이인원, 2013, Time-Resolved PIV 및 POD 기법을 이용한 경계층 외부 수직날 배열의 저항저감 기구 분석, 한국가시화정보학회 춘계학술대회, pp.39-45
- 허영애, 최재웅, 이인원, 2013, 해양플랜트 가스폭발 확률 계산 Code 개발 및 폭발하중 계산 응용, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회 논문집, pp.340-347
- 조남주, 김병우, 김동욱, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 2013, Preparation of Silyl-based Triblock Copolymer with Self-Polishing Property, 한국고분자학회 춘계학술대회, 1PS-101
- 김은영, 전호환, 이인원, 박현, 2013, Drag-reduction properties of the SPCs resin containing PEG groups, 한국공업화학회 춘계학술대회, 1P-212
- 김대희, 김동욱, 조남주, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 2013, Antifouling Paint based on Poly(tert-butyldimethylsilyl metacrylate)-block Polyurethane-Poly(tert-butyldimethylsilyl metacrylate) Tri-block Copolymers, 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회, 1PS-91
- 조남주, 김병우, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 2013, Complexation of Polyurethane-acrylic Resin with Tertiary Amine for Self Polishing Property, 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회, 1PS-95
- 조남주, 김시영, 류승환, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 2013, Self polishing properties of polyurethane-methacrylic acid block copolymer with quaternary ammonium salt, 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회, 1PS-102
- 이인원, 김현명, 김세일, 전호환, 박현, 2013, 자기마모형 수지기반의 마찰저항 저감형 방오도료 개발, 한국화학공학회 추계학술대회, 심(산업)I금-16
- 김은영, 전호환, 이인원, 박현, 2013, Development & Evaluation of Drag-Reduction Antifouling Paints, 한국공업화학회 추계학술대회, 2P-172
- 박성현, 김야긴, 전호환, 이동석, 김기정, 이광일, 이인원, 2013, 공기윤활기법을 이용한 중형 탱커 모형선 저항저감연구, 대한조선학회 추계학술대회 논문집, pp.585-595
- 정성우, 전호환, 한기민, 천강우, 이인원, 2013, 저마찰 선박 방오도료의 예인수조 시험 기법 고찰 및 표준 제안, 대한조선학회 추계학술대회 논문집, pp.858-864
- 최유환, 송정환, 전호환, 박현, 이인원 , 2013, 고속 회류 수조 및 매입형 마찰 저항 동력계를 이용한 선박 도료별 마찰 저항 측정, 대한조선학회 추계학술대회 논문집, p.499
- 박성현, 전호환, 이인원, 2013, 공기윤활기법을 응용한 중형 탱커 모형선의 저항저감연구 및 윤활형태관측, 한국가시화학회 추계학술대회 논문집, pp.34-40
- 정성우, 김은영, 전호환, 박현, 이인원, 2013, 마찰저항 저감을 위한 고분자 수지 합성 및 PIV 유동장 계측, 한국가시화학회 추계학술대회 논문집, pp.41-44
- 김대희, 김병우, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2014, Antifouling Paint based on Polyurethane-Acrylic Copolymer with Core-Shell Structure, 한국고분자학회 춘계학술대회, 1PS-106
- 조중현, 류승환, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2014, Synthesis and Property of Self Polishing Copolymer using Urethane-Acrylic Acid with Tertiary Amines, 한국고분자학회 춘계학술대회, 3PS-90
- 김은영, 전호환, 이인원, 박현, 2014, Performance Evaluation of FDR (Frictional Drag Reduction) Anti-fouling Paints, 한국공업화학회 춘계학술대회, 2P-395
- 김은영, 김진우, 이인원, 박현, 2014, The Rotor Tests for the Long-term Performance of Marine Anti-fouling Paints, 한국공업화학회 춘계학술대회, 2P-396
- 이인원, 박현, 전호환, 2014, 신소재 자기마모형 저항저감수지의 마찰저항 저감특성 연구, 대한기계학회 유체공학부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, pp. 175-176
- 송정환, 이성훈, 빅토를 쿨릭, 안드레이 보이코, 이인원, 2014, 고 레이놀즈수 유동에서의 유연벽면 마찰저항 저감효과 고찰, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회 논문집, pp.1299-1300
- 김대희, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2014, Synthesis of tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Metacrylate-block-polyurethane-block-tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Metacrylate Triblock Coplolymer with Self-Plishing Property, 한국접착및계면학회 추계학술대회, PS16
- 조중현, 김병우, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2014, Self-Polishing Behavior Core-Shell Type Polyurethane-Acrylic Resin with Teriary Amine, 한국접착및계면학회 추계학술대회, PS42
- 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 권고은, 김진우, 2014, The Long-Term Tests for Friction Resistance of Anti-Fouling Paints, 한국공업화학회 추계학술대회, 2P-64
- 김야긴, 전호환, 이인원, 이동영, 2014, Anti-Rolling Tank Bench Test Rig의 개발과 표준시험 기법 제안, 대한조선학회 추계학술대회 논문집, pp. 556-559
- 김진우, 권고은, 이인원, 박현, 2015, Development & Evaluation of SPCs (self-polishing copolymers) Paints : Effect of the types of Initiators for mass production, 한국공업화학회 춘계학술대회, 2P-538, p.357
- 김진우, 권고은, 이인원, 박현, 2015, Development & evaluation of SPCs (self-polishing copolymers) paint, 한국공업화학회 춘계학술대회, 2P-613, p.385
- 고현철, 김병우, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2015, Antifouling paint rein with core-shell type structure based on polyurethane-acrylic copolymer, 한국고분자학회 춘계학술대회, 1PS-59, p.61
- 조중현, 김대희, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2015, Preparation of antifouling paint resin with tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Methacrylate-block- Polyurethane-block-tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Methacrylate Triblock Copolymer, 한국고분자학회 춘계학술대회, 3PS-71, p.122
- 조남주, 김동욱, 김대희, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 2015, 리빙라디칼 중합법 사용한 실릴아크릴레이트와 폴리우레탄 공중합체의 자기마모특성, 한국폴리우레탄학회 하계학술발표회 논문초록집, vol. 11, no. 2, I5, pp.8-9
- 조중현, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2015, 폴리실록산-폴리우레탄 공중합체를 기반으로 한 방오도료 수지 합성, 한국폴리우레탄학회 하계학술발표회 논문초록집, vol. 11, no. 2, P4, pp.23-24
- 고현철, 박순민, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2015, 4가 암모늄염을 도입한 폴리우레탄 수지 기반의 방오도료, 한국폴리우레탄학회 하계학술발표회 논문초록집, vol. 11, no. 2, P7, pp.29-30
- 고현철, 김대희, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2015, Self-polishing behavior of tert-butyldimethylsilyl methacrylate-block-polyurethane-block-tert-butyldimethylsilyl methacrylate triblock copolymer for antifouling paint resin, 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회, 1PS-72, p.66
- 조중현, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 조남주, 2015, Synthesis of poly(dimethylsiloxane)-block- polyurethane-block-poly(dimethylsiloxane) triblock copolymers with fouling release property, 한국고분자학회 추계학술대회, 3PS-76, p.120
- 김야긴, 전호환, 이인원, 이동영, 2015, Anti-Rolling Tank Bench Test Rig의 표준시험 기법 연구, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회
- 송정환, 김준수, 나학용, 이진규, 전호환, 박현, 이인원, 2015, 고 레이놀즈수에서의 저마찰 선박 방오도료용 SPC수지의 성능평가, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회
- 이성훈, 정성우, 고봉수, 전호환, 박현, 이인원, 2015, 저마찰 선박 방오도료의 장기간 마찰저항 성능 연구 및 CFD를 통한 실험 검증, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회
- 이인원, 박현, 전호환, 2015, 마찰저항저감 고분자 신소재 FDR-SPC의 개발과 저마찰 선박 방오도료 응용, 대한조선학회 수조시험연구회 (KTTC) 특별워크숍
- 이인원, 2015, Development of novel drag reducing polymer, FDR-SPC and its application to low frictional marine anti-fouling coating, 제72회 생물화공심포지엄
- 류상균, 이두용, 김지웅, 진미정, 김동진, 이인원, 박성균, 진형진, 2015, Effect of La Deficiency on Magnetic Properties in Polycrystalline La0.88-δSr0.12MnO3, 한국자기학회 추계학술대회
- 류상균, 이준혁, 김지웅, 이두용, 민성욱, 오상민, 진미정, 김동진, 이인원, 박성균, 진형진, 2015, La Deficiency as a method to tune magnetic ground state of polycrystalline La0.88-δSr0.12MnO3, 부울경물리학회
- 공현준, 안은영, 류상균, 김동진, 진광수, 이인원, 진형진, 2015, MoO3 단결정 성장 및 물리적 특성, 부울경물리학회
- 공현준, 안은영, 류상균, 김지웅, 박성균, 김동진, 진광수, 이인원, 진형진, 2016, MoO3 단결정 육성 및 그 특성, 제12차 유전체 연합 심포지엄
- 이인원, 박현, 2016, 고분자 신소재 FDR-SPC 적용 저마찰 방오도료의 개발가 실선 적용 성능 분석 결과, 제56차 선박해양유체연구회 워크숍
- Kong, H., Ahn, E., Ryu S., Kim, J., Jo J., Park, S., Kim, D., Jeen G. S., Lee, I. and Jeen H., 2016, Growth of Large MoO3 Single Crystal and its physical properties, 한국물리학회 춘계학술대회
- Ahn, E., Cho, J. H., Lee, I, and Jeen H., 2016, Structural and spectroscopic evidence of oxidation in MoO2, 한국물리학회 춘계학술대회
- Park, S. H. and Lee, I., 2016, 디지털 영상분석을 통한 공기윤활평판실험 공기막 검출기법, 제9회 한국유체공학학술대회, 9NCFE-452, p.93
- 차경정, 최정은, 이인원, 2016, KCS 용 벌브를 부착한 비대칭타 설계, 제9회 한국유체공학학술대회, 9NCFE-782, p.95
- 유진원, 최정은, 이인원, 이철민, 2016, 저속비대선박의 파랑 중 저항성능에 대한 실험적 연구, 제9회 한국유체공학학술대회, 9NCFE-832, p.112
- 박성현, 이인원, 2016, 선박의 트림 각도 변화에 따른 공기윤활특성 연구, 대한조선학회 2016년 추계학술대회, pp.287-296
- 차경정, 이인원, 최정은, 2016, KCS용 벌브와 핀을 부착한 비대칭타 설계, 대한조선학회 2016년 추계학술대회, pp.372
- 김준수, 이인원, 이동영, 2016, Anti-Rolling Tank Bench Test 결과 해석을 위한 Frozen Test 방법 고찰, 대한조선학회 2016년 추계학술대회, pp.511-513
- 박성현, 이인원, 2017, 평판트림각에 따른 공기윤활특성 분석, 한국해양과학기술협의회 2017년 공동학술대회, pp.257-262
- 유진원, 남정우, 최정은, 이인원, 2017, 불규칙 파랑에서 66,000 DWT Bulk Carrier의 저항 감소를 위한 선수선형설계, 한국해양과학기술협의회 2017년 공동학술대회, p.353
- 이인원 박현, 2017, 저마찰 선박 방오도료의 실선 마찰저항 저감성능 추정, 한국해양과학기술협의회 2017년 공동학술대회, p.593
- 박성현, 이인원, 2017, 공기윤활막 모니터링을 위한 센서 개발 기초 연구, 대한조선학회 2017년 추계학술대회, p.23
국제학술대회 (International Conference)
- Sung, H. J., Lee, I. W. and Hyun, J. M., 1992, Discrete vortex simulation of turbulent pulsating flows in a backward-facing step, 5th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, August 10-14, 1992, Taejon, KOREA.
- Sung, H. J. and Lee, I. W., 1994, Development of multiple-arrayed pressure sensor with PVDF film, 2nd International Conference on Fluid Dynamic Measurement and its Applications, October 19-22, Tsinghua University, Beijing, CHINA.
- Sung, H. J., Park, T. S. and Lee, I. W., 1995, Effect of gap distance on vortical structure within transverse annular fins, 6th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, May 22-26, SINGAPORE.
- Lee, I. and Sung, H. J., 1997, Piezoelectric film for sensing unsteady wall pressure fluctuations, ASME Fluids Engineering Conference, June 22-26, Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA.
- Chun, S. J., Lee, I. and Sung, H. J., 1998, Effect of spanwise-varying local forcing on turbulent separated flow over a backward-facing step, Proceedings of the 4th KSME-JSME Fluids Engineering Conference (FEC4), pp.589-592, October 18-21, Pusan, KOREA.
- Lee, I. and Sung, H. J., 1999, Wall pressure fluctuations in separated and reattaching flows over a backward-facing step, Proceedings of the 1st Symp. Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, pp. 1077-1082, September 13-15, Santa Barbara, CA, USA.
- Lee, I. and Sung, H. J., 2000, Dynamics of separated flows based on the wavelet analysis of wall pressure fluctuations, Proceedings of Advances In Turbulence Research-2000, pp.1-16, March 24, Seoul, KOREA.
- Lee, I. and Sung, H. J., 2000, Wavelet analysis of intermittent behavior of pressure fluctuations in separated and reattaching Flows, 8th European Turbulence Conference, June 27-30, Barcelona, SPAIN.
- Lee, I. and Sung, H. J., 2001, Multipoint measurement of wall pressure fluctuations in a separated and reattaching flow over a backward-facing step, Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Symp. on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, vol.3, pp.411-416, June 27-29, Stockholm, SWEDEN.
- Lee, I., Ishikawa, H. and Kiya, M., 2001, Numerical Simulation of Moderate Reynolds Number Wake past a Square Plate Normal to Uniform Flow, 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, October 21-24, Kyoto, JAPAN.
- Lee, I., Choi, J. and Lee, I. S., 2001, Measurement of a Microchannel Flow Using a Micro-PIV, Proceedings of Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Particle Image Velocimetry, December 3-4, Seoul, KOREA.
- Lee, I. S. and Lee, I., 2002, Investigation of the three-dimensional flow structure inside a microchannel, World Congress of Korean and Korean-ethnic Scientists and Engineers, Paper # We-B1-6, July 7-13, Seoul, KOREA.
- An, K. W., Lee, J. H., Lee, I., Lee, I. S. and Park, S. C., 2002, Performance prediction of reciprocating compressor, Proceedings of the 16th International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, Paper # C7-4, July 16-19, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
- Lee, I. S. and Lee, I., 2002, A three-dimensional measurement of microchannel flow using micro-PIV, Proceedings of the 30th Visualization Symposium Japan, July 22-24, Tokyo, JAPAN.
- Sung, J. Y., Lee, I., Lee, I. S. and Kaga, A., 2002, Micro PIV measurements of a flow inside microfluidic elements, Proceedings of the 10th Int. Symp. Flow Visualization, Paper # F0244, August 26-29, Kyoto, JAPAN.
- Lee, I. and Lee, I. S., 2002, Measurements of a microchannel flow using micro-PIV, Proceedings of 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Paper # 2002-32791, November 17-22, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., 2004, A conditional average technique for three-dimensional coherent structure in a separated and reattaching flow over a backward-facing step, National Fluid Mechanics Conference, April 8-9, Hanoi, VIETNAM.
- Lee, I., Chun, H. H., Boiko, A. V. and Kozlov, V. V., 2004, Influence of riblets on a streak excited by a free stream tip vortex in boundary layer, Proceedings of the 13th European Drag Reduction Meeting, pp.27-30, June 1-4, Aussois, FRANCE.
- Boiko, A. V., Kozlov, V. V., Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., and , 2004, Effect of riblets on a streaky structure excited by a free stream tip vortex in boundary layer, Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Hydrodynamics Conference, pp.123-128, June 22-24, Busan, KOREA.
- Kulik, V. M., Rodyakin, S. V., Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., 2005, The response of compliant coating to unstationary disturbances, Proceedings of the the 2nd International Symposium on Seawater Drag Reduction (ISSDR 2005), pp.427-438, May 23-26, Busan, KOREA.
- Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., 2006, A PIV Investigation of Three-dimensional Coherent Structure in Turbulent Boundary Layer using Polarization Method, Proceedings of International Conference in Marine Hydrodynamics (MAHY2006), pp. 369-376, January 5-7, Visakhapatnam, INDIA.
- Kulik, V. M., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2006, Wave Properties of Compliant Coating, Proceedings of Whither Turbulence Prediction and Control (WTPC), pp. 126-127, March 26-29, Seoul, KOREA.
- Kulik, V. M., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2006, Wave Propagation Properties of Compliant Coating, Proceedings of the 14th European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (14th EDRFCM), April 10-13, Ischia, ITALY.
- Lee, I., Min, Y. U., An, N. H., Oh, S. J., Chun, H. H. and Kim, K. C., 2006, Unsteady Behavior of a Confined Impinging Jet in a Low Reynolds Number Regime, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Flow Visialization (ISFV12), September 10-14, Goettingen, GERMANY.
- Kulik, V. M., Boiko, A. V., Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., 2008, Measurement of dynamic properties of viscoelastic materials, Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (2008), editors J. Fan and Haibo Chen, p. 1412-1415, 2nd International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (ICHMM-2008), June 3-8, 2008, Huangshan, CHINA .
- Boiko, A. V., Kulik, V. M., Seoudi, B., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2008, Measurement of dynamic Poisson’s ratio and form factor for a cylindrical sample, Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (2008), editors J. Fan and Haibo Chen, p. 1411, 2nd International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (ICHMM-2008), June 3-8, 2008, Huangshan, CHINA .
- Seoudi, B., Kulik, V. M., Boiko, A. V. and Lee, I., 2008, Measurement of drag-reducing efficiency of compliant coating in a wind tunnel, Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics (APHydro), pp.25-32, June 16-18, Taipei, TAIWAN.
- Kulik, V. M., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2008, Choice of Compliant Coating Parameters for Drag Reduction, Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics (APHydro), pp.33-40, June 16-18, Taipei, TAIWAN.
- Kim, H. J., Chun, H. H., Kim, M. C., Choi, H. J. and Lee, I., 2008, Rapid and Practical Hull Optimizer - RaPID HOP, Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics (APHydro), pp.41-47, June 16-18, Taipei, TAIWAN.
- Lee, I., Kulik, V. M., Seoudi, B. M. and Chun, H. H., 2008, Optimization of Compliant Coating Parameters for Drag Reduction, Proceedings of the 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics (12ACFM), paper # M-2C-3, August 18-21, Daejeon, KOREA.
- Lee, I., An, N. H. and Chun, H. H., 2008, Assessment of Drag Reducing Efficiency of Outer-layer Vertical Blades, Proceedings of the 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics (12ACFM), paper # M-2C-4, August 18-21, Daejeon, KOREA.
- Chernoray, V. G., Kozlov, V. V., Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., 2008, Influence of an Unfavorable Pressure Gradient on the Breakdown of Boundary Layer Streaks, Proceedings of the 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics (12ACFM), paper # M-3C-1, August 18-21, Daejeon, KOREA.
- Lee, I., Kulik, V. M., Boiko, A. V. and Chun, H. H., 2008, Optimization of the Dynamic Properties of Compliant Coating for Drag Reduction, Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (XXII ICTAM), paper # 11969, August 24-29, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA.
- Lee, I., An, N. H., Shin, J. H., Chun, H. H. and Choi, K.-S., 2008, Experimental Investigation on the Drag Reducing Mechanism of the Outer-layer Vertical Blades, Proceedings of the 7th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC2008), paper # L143, October 13-16, Sapporo, JAPAN.
- Jung, K. H., Chun, H. H., Kim, M. C., Lee, I., Lee, K. W., Lim, T. W., Lee, J. K., Kim, K., Yoon, S. and Ryoo, Y. H., 2008, Experimental Investigation on Stern-Boat Deployment System for Coast Guard Ship, Proceedings of the 2008 SNAME Annual Meeting, October 15-17, Houston, Texas, USA.
- Lee, I., Kulik, V. M., Boiko, A. V. and Chun, H. H., 2008, The effect of composition of compliant coating material on the drag reduction efficiency, Proceedings of the 3rd PAAMES and AMEC2008, pp.117-120, October 20-22, Chiba, JAPAN.
- Park, S-M., Jo, N-J., Jung, M-Y., Kang, T-W., Park, H., Lee, I. and Chun, H-H., 2009, Synthesis of Zinc Based Copolymer with Various Comonomer Composition and Their Self Polishing Properties, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design (ISEPD2009), Paper # B2009-296, January 13-15, Xian, China.
- Babenko, V. V., Shkvar, E. A., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2009, Multislot Polymer Injection and Associated Problems of Drag Reduction, Proceedings of the 6th Int. Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-6), pp.575-580, June 22-24, Seoul, KOREA.
- Lee, I., Kulik, V. M., Boiko, A. V. and Chun, H. H., 2009, Experimental Investigation of Drag Reducing Mechanicsm of Compliant Coating with Optimal Viscoelastic Properties, Proceedings of the 6th Int. Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-6), pp.575-580, June 22-24, Seoul, KOREA.
- Rahman, M. M., Choi, E. Y., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Park, H., 2009, Stability of Waterborne Polyurethane/Clay Nanocomposite Dispersion, Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Conference on Colloid & Interface Science, p. 169, October 11-14, Jeju, Korea.
- Park, S. M., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N. J., 2009, Synthesis of Polyurethane Matrix with Quaternary Ammonium Salt and Their Self Polishing Properties, Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on High Polymers and Fibers, Paper # PA-035, October 25-27, Kagoshima, Japan.
- Choi, Y-H., Kang, T-W., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N. J., 2009, Study on Synthesis of Zinc Containing Copolymers and Self Polishing Behavior as Antifouling Coatings, Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on High Polymers and Fibers, Paper # PA-037, October 25-27, Kagoshima, Japan.
- Lee, I., Chun, H. H., Boiko, A. V. and Kulik, V. M., 2010, Design parameter optimization of compliant coating for drag reduction, Proceedings of the International Conference on Ship Drag Reduction (SMOOTH-SHIPS), pp.61-66, May 20-21, Istanbul, Turkey
- Lee, I., Lee, H. S., An, N. H. and Chun, H. H., 2010, Investigation on the frictional drag reduction mechanism of the outer-layer vertical blades, Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV14), paper # 9C1-142, June 21-24, Daegu, Korea
- Park, S. H., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2010, Time-Resolved PIV Investigation on the Skin Friction Reduction Mechanism of Outer-layer Vertical Blades, Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics (APHydro 2010), pp. 29-31, July 1-4, Osaka, Japan
- Babenko, V. V., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2010, Methods of Bodies Drag Reduction, Proceedings of the 15th European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (15th EDRFCM), pp. 5-6, September 2-4, Kiev, Ukraine
- Kulik, V. M., Boiko, A. V., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2010, Verification of Drag-reduction Capabilities of Stiff Compliant Coatings in Air at Moderate Speeds, Proceedings of the 15th European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (15th EDRFCM), pp. 45-46, September 2-4, Kiev, Ukraine
- Lee, I., Choi, K-S., Chun, H. H., 2010, Drag-reduction Capabilities and Mechanism of Outer-layer Vertical Blades Array , Proceedings of the 15th European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (15th EDRFCM), pp. 47-48, September 2-4, Kiev, Ukraine
- Kulik, V. M., Boiko, A. V., Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., 2010, Verification of drag-reduction capabilities of stiff compliant coatings in air at moderate speeds, International Conference on Methods of Aerophysical Researches, Book of Abstracts (Ed. V. M. Fomin), Part I, pp. 145-146, November 1-6, Novosibirsk, Russia
- Lee, I., An, N. H., Choi, K-S., Chun, H. H., 2010, Experimental investigations on the drag reduction mechanism of outer-layer vertical blades array, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, p. 84, November 21-23, Long Beach, CA, USA
- Ryu, S. H., Park, S. M., Park, H., Lee, I. W., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N. J., 2011, Self Polishing Properties of Antifouling Paint Resins based on Polyurethane Matrices, Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials, 1P14, p.168, September 19-22, Fukuoka, Japan
- Kim, D. W., Choi, Y. H., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N. J., 2011, Antifouling Paint Matrices using Siloxane-urethane Copolymers, Proceedings of Pusan-Gyeongnam/Kyushu-Seibu Joint Symposium on High Polymers(15th) and Fibers(13th), PB-58, p.269, October 27-29, Busan, Korea
- Yang, J. W., Park, H., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2011, Experimental Study on Flow Control Character of Anti-fouling Character of Anti-fouling Paint with Reduction Additive, Proceedings of International Symposium on Marine Engineering and Technology (ISMT) 2011, pp.101-107, October 25-28, Busan, Korea
- Park, S. H., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2011, Time-Resolved PIV Investigation on the Skin Friction Reduction Mechanism of Outer-layer Vertical blades, Proceedings of International Symposium on Marine Engineering and Technology (ISMT) 2011, pp.197-203 , October 25-28, Busan, Korea
- Ryu, S. H., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2011, The Change of Drag Reduction and Wake for KVLCC according to the Geometric Changes of Skin Friction Reduction Mechanism which is Outer-layer Vertical Blades, Proceedings of International Symposium on Marine Engineering and Technology (ISMT) 2011, pp.204-209 , October 25-28, Busan, Korea
- Kim, S., Jeon, J. S., Chun, H. H., Lee, I. and Park, H., 2011, Developing Image Analysis Method for the Evaluation of Anti-fouling Paint's Performance, Proceedings of International Symposium on Marine Engineering and Technology (ISMT) 2011, p.219-225, October 25-28, Busan, Korea
- Ryu, S-H., Park, H., Lee, I-W., Chun H-H. and Jo, N-J., 2011, Antifouling Resins based on Poly(methacrylic acid)-block-Polyurethane-block-Poly(methacrylic acid) Tri-Block Copolymers, Proceedings of The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Materials in Asia-Pacific Fim(ISAMAP) and the 2nd International Workshop on Nanogrid Materials(IWNM), PS-05, p.61, November 2-5, Busan, Korea
- Kim, D. W., Choi, Y. H., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N. J., 2011, Antifouling Paint Resin based on Siloxane-urethane Copolymers, Proceedings of the 4th Pusan National University - Global COE Kyushu University Joint Symposium on Molecular Science and Technology, P-68, p.117, December 20-21, Busan, Korea
- Jo, N-J., Kim, D. W., Kang, T. W., Park, H., Lee, I. W. and Chun, H. H., 2012, The Effect of Hydrophilic Components of Zinc based Copolymer on Its Self Polishing Behavior, Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering, August 16-18, Taiyuan, China
- Lee, I., Park, H. and Chun, H. H., 2012, Development of skin-friction reduction paint using fine powder of PEO, Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics (APHydro), pp.154-157, September 3-4, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
- Jeong, E. Y., Kim, D.-H., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N.-J., 2013, Ion selective behavior of various polypyrrole-ionophore actuators, Proceedings of Polychar21 World Forum on Advanced Materials, 13-PP-20, p.170, March 11-15, Gwangju, Korea
- In-Ho Lee, Joel Hartenberger, Steven Ceccio, Inwon Lee, 2013, Interactions between Large and Small Bubbles in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, International Conference on Multiphase Flow, May 26-31, Jeju, Korea
- Inwon Lee, Nam Hyun An and Sung Hyun Park, 2013, Investigations of Coherent Structures of Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow around Drag Reducing Outer-Layer Vertical Blades, 9th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing (PSFVIP9), August 25-28, Busan, Korea
- Inwon Lee and Ho-Hwan Chun, 2013, Experimental Procedures toward the Performance Assessment for Low Frictional Marine Paints, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the Maritime Industry (AMT'13), September 17-18, Gdansk, Poland
- Inwon Lee, Hyun Park and Ho-Hwan Chun, 2013, Development of FDR-AF (Frictional Drag Reduction Anti-Fouling) Marine Coating, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 66th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, p. 477, November 24-26, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- In-ho Lee, Simo Makiharju, Steven Ceccio, Marc Perlin, Inwon Lee, 2013, Vertical gas injection into liquid cross-stream beneath horizontal surfaces, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 66th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, p. 441, November 24-26, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- Kim, B.-W., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N.-J., 2013, Preparation of antifouling Paint based on Poly(acrylic acid)-b-Polyurethane-b-Poly(acrylic acid) Tri-block Copolymers with Tertiary Amines, 2013 Kyushu-Seibu/Pusan-Gyeongnam Joint Symposium on High Polymers(16th) and Fibers(14th), P101, November 8-10, Saga, Japan
- Kim, D.-H., Kim, D.-W., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N.-J., 2013, Preparation of Triblock Copolymer Based on Urethane and tert-Butyldimethylsilyl metacrylate with Self Polishing Property, 2013 Kyushu-Seibu/Pusan-Gyeongnam Joint Symposium on High Polymers(16th) and Fibers(14th), P107, November 8-10, Saga, Japan
- Kim, S.-Y., Ryu, S.-H., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N.-J., 2013, Self Polishing Copolymer Based on Polyurethane-acrylic acid block copolymer with Quaternary Ammonium Salt, 2013 Kyushu-Seibu/Pusan-Gyeongnam Joint Symposium on High Polymers(16th) and Fibers(14th), P110, November 8-10, Saga, Japan
- Lee, I., Chung, S. W., Kim, E. Y., Park, H. and Chun, H. H., 2014, Hydrodynamic Performance Evaluation of FDR-SPC (Frictional Drag Reduction Self-Polishing Copolymer), 17th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (17th ICMCF), 4A-ORAL4, July 6-10, Singapore
- Park, H., Kim, E. Y., Lee, I. and Chun, H. H., 2014, Development and Evaluation of FDR-SPC (Frictional Drag Reduction Self-Polishing Copolymer) Anti-Fouling Paints, 17th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (17th ICMCF), PO-59, July 6-10, Singapore
- Park, S. H., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2014, A Study on the Drag Reduction of Tanker Model Ship using Air Lubrication, Proceedings of International Symposium on Marine Engineering and Technology (ISMT 2014), pp.147-153, September 17-19, Busan, Korea
- Lee, I., Park, H. and Chun, H. H., 2015, A Novel Drag-Reducing Coating Material: FDR-SPC (Frictional Drag Reduction Self-Polishing Copolymer), European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (EDRFCM 2015), pp.71-72, March 23-26, Cambridge, UK
- Kulik, V. M., Boiko, A. V., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2015, Control for Flat Plate Skin-Friction Drag with Compliant Coatings (Predictions and Experiment), European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (EDRFCM 2015), pp.113-114, March 23-26, Cambridge, UK
- Lee, I., Park, H. and Chun, H. H., 2015, Visualization Study on Drag Reduction Mechanism of FDR-SPC (Frictional Drag Reduction Self-Polishing Copolymer), 10th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Paper ID: 147, June 15-18, Naples, Italy
- Jo, J. H., Kim, D-H., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N-J., 2015, Antifouling Paint Resin Based on Polyurethane and tert-Butyldimethylsilyl Methacrylate Using RAFT Polymerization, 45th World Chemistry Congress IUPAC-2015, GC-P1364-TUE, August 9-14, Busan, Korea
- Lee, I., Park, H. and Chun, H. H., 2015, DEVELOPMENT OF NOVEL DRAG REDUCING POLYMER MATERIAL OF FDR-SPC, ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015, AJK2015-14139, July 26-31, Seoul, Korea
- Lee, I., Park, H. and Chun, H. H., 2015, DRAG REDUCTION PERFORMANCE OF FDR-SPC (FRICTIONAL DRAG REDUCTION SELF-POLISHING COPOLYMER), 9th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-9), 5A-1, June 30 – July 3, Melbourne, Australia
- Lee, I., Boiko, A. V. and Kulik, V. M., 2015, New perspective of turbulent skin friction reduction by compliant coating, Proceeding of the 3rd Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control (3rd FSSIC), pp.19-20, July 5–9, Perth, Australia
- Ko, H-C., Kim, A-H., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N-J., 2015, SELF-POLISHING BEHAVIOR OF TRIBLOCK COPOLYMER WITH POLYURETHANE AND TERT-BUTYL DIMETHYLSILYL METHACRYLATE USING RAFT POLYMERIZATION, Proceedings of the 5th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials: Chemistry, Physics & Biomedicine of Functional and Novel Materials, PS-21, p.116, November 1-4, Busan, Korea
- Jo, J. H., Park, H., Lee, I., Chun, H. H. and Jo, N-J., 2015, PREPARATION OF FOULING RELEASE COATING BASED ON POLYURETHANE AND POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE TRIBLOCK COPOLYMER, Proceedings of the 5th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials: Chemistry, Physics & Biomedicine of Functional and Novel Materials, PS-32, p.132, November 1-4, Busan, Korea
- Lee, I., Park, H. and Chun, H. H., 2015, Development of Drag Reducing Polymer of FDR-SPC, 68th APS DFD Annual Meeting, DFD15-2015-001709, November 22-24, Boston, MA, USA
- Lee, I., Park, S. H. and Chun, H. H., 2016, Investigation of Air Injection Parameters toward Optimum Fuel Saving Effect for Ships, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow (9th ICMF), p.120, May 22-27, Firenze, Italy
- Lee, I. and Park, H., 2016, In-service performance evaluation of low frictional AF marine coating based on ISO/DIS19030, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (18th ICMCF), PT S10-6, p.199, June 19-24, Toulon, France
- Park, H. and Lee, I., 2016, Similarity transform method to predict full scale performance based on various lab skin friction tests, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (18th ICMCF), PT S10-8, p.201, June 19-24, Toulon, France
- Lee, I. and Park, H., 2016, Development of low frictional marine paint based on a novel drag reducing polymer of FDR-SPC, Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (XXIV ICTAM), August 21-26, Montreal, Canada
- Park, S. H., Chun, H. H. and Lee, I., 2016, Optimization of Drag Reduction Effect of Air Lubrication for a Tanker Model based on Air Layer Observation, Paper #64, Proceedings of the 31st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, September 11-16, Monterey, CA, USA
- Lee, I., Park, S. H., 2016, Optimization of air injection parameters toward optimum fuel saving effect for ships, 69th APS DFD Annual Meeting, DFD16-2016-001385, November 20-22, Portland, OR, USA
- Lee, I. and Park, H., 2017, Estimation of Full-Scale Performance of Drag-Reducing Marine Coating based on Similarity Transform Method, European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (EDRFCM-2017), April 3-6, Rome, Italy
- Yu, J. W., Nam, J. W., Lee, I. and Choi, J. E., 2017, Hull-form Optimization of a 66,000 DWT Bulk Carrier in Irregular Wave Condition, VII International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering (MARINE 2017), May 15-17, Nantes, France
- Lee, I. and Park, H., 2017, In-Service Performance Evaluation of Low Frictional AF Marine Coating, Proceedings of the 27th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2017), pp.844-850, June 25-30, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Lee, I. and Park, H., 2017, Prediction and Verification of Full-Scale Ship Performance of Frictional Drag Reduction Coating, 10th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-10), 10B-3, July 6 – July 9, Chicago, IL, USA
- Cho, D. S., Lee, I., Yoon, H. S. and Park, H., 2017, Overview of GCRC-SOP (Global Core Research Center for Ships and Offshore Plants), Pusan National University, Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC 2017), July 26-29, Stockholm, Sweden
- Lee, I., Park, H. and Chun, H. H., 2017, Contributing to marine environment and CO2 emission reduction; a multi-disciplinary marine coating research program in PNU, Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC 2017), July 26-29, Stockholm, Sweden
- Lee, C. M.., Lee, I. and Paik, K. J., 2017, Effect on fluid grid system for numerical bench marking of fluid-structure interaction, Proceeding of the 4th Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control (4th FSSIC), pp.104-105, August 21-24, Tokyo, Japan
- Lee, I., 2017, In-service performance evaluation of low frictional AF coating based on FDR-SPC, 3rd ANZPAC Workshop on Biofouling Management for Sustainable Shipping, September 12-15, Melbourne, Australia
특허 실적 (Patent)
국내특허등록 (Domestic Patent Registered)
- 안광협, 이정호, 이인원, 이인섭, 2003, 왕복동식 압축기 (Reciprocating compressor), 등록번호 10-0411341-0000, 등록일자 2003.12.02.
- 최제호, 조성호, 성재용, 남영석, 이인섭, 이 인원, 2004, 영상기기를 이용한 냉장고 냉기 제어방법 (Method for control cool air of refrigerator using digital camera), 등록번호 10-0430296-0000, 등록일자 2004.04.23.
- 조성호, 성재용, 최제호, 남영석, 이인섭, 이인원, 2004, 냉장고의 냉기분배 시스템 (Air distribution system of Refrigerator), 등록번호 10-0434385-0000, 등록일자 2004.05.24.
- 조성호, 이인섭, 이인원, 성재용, 안광협, 이정호, 최제호, 남영석, 2004, 결빙억제구를 구비한 냉장고의 냉기토출장치 (COOL AIR DISCHARGE APPARATUS OF REFRIGERATOR WITH FROST CONTROL TOOL), 등록번호 10-0446776-0000, 등록일자 2004.08.23.
- 조성호, 이인섭, 이인원, 성재용, 안광협, 이정호, 최제호, 남영석, 2004, 적외선 온도 센서를 구비한 냉장고의 냉기토출장치 (COOL AIR DISCHARGE APPARATUS WITH INFRARED TEMPERATURE SENSOR FOR REFRIGERATOR), 등록번호 10-0446777-0000, 등록일자 2004.08.23.
- 조성호, 이인섭, 이인원, 성재용, 안광협, 이정호, 최제호, 남영석, 2004, 사이드 바이 사이드 타입 냉장고의 냉기공급장치 (COOL AIR SUPPLY APPARATUS FOR SIDE BY SIDE TYPE REFRIGERATOR), 등록번호 10-0446778-0000, 등록일자 2004.08.23.
- 조성호, 이인섭, 이인원, 성재용, 안광협, 이정호, 최제호, 남영석, 2004, 냉장고의 2자유도 냉기공급장치 (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM COOL AIR SUPPLY APPARATUS FOR REFRIGERATOR), 등록번호 10-0446779-0000, 등록일자 2004.08.23.
- 조성호, 이인섭, 이인원, 성재용, 최제호, 안광협, 이정호, 남영석, 2004, 냉장고의 냉기토출장치 (COOL AIR DISCHARGE APPARATUS FOR REFRIGERATOR), 등록번호 10-0446780-0000, 등록일자 2004.08.23.
- 조성호, 이인원, 성재용, 남영석, 이인섭, 안광협, 이정호, 최제호, 2004, 써모파일 적외선 센서의 수광각 조절장치 (LIGHT-RECEIVING-ANGLE CONTROL APPARATUS FOR THERMOPILE INFRARED SENSOR), 등록번호 10-0451237-0000, 등록일자 2004.09.21.
- 조성호, 이인섭, 이인원, 성재용, 안광협, 이정호, 최제호, 남영석, 2004, 냉장고의 냉장실내 고온부하 집중냉각방법 (CONCENTRATION COOLING METHOD FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE FOOD IN REFRIGERATION ROOM OF REFRIGERATOR), 등록번호 10-0459457-0000, 등록일자 2004.11.22.
- 이인섭, 조성호, 이인원, 성재용, 안광협, 이정호, 최제호, 남영석, 2004, 냉장고의 냉기토출장치 (COOL AIR DISCHARGE APPARATUS FOR REFRIGERATOR), 등록번호 10-0459458-0000, 등록일자 2004.11.22.
- 조성호, 이인섭, 이인원, 성재용, 안광협, 이정호, 최제호, 남영석, 2004, 냉장고의 냉장실 균일온도 제어장치 및 그 제어방법 (UNIFORMITY TEMPERATURE CONTROL APPARATUS FOR REFRIGERATION ROOM OF REFRIGERATOR AND CONTROL METHOD THEREOF), 등록번호 10-0459459-0000, 등록일자 2004.11.22.
- 조성호, 이인섭, 이인원, 성재용, 안광협, 이정호, 최제호, 남영석, 2004, 노즐덮개를 구비한 냉장고의 냉기토출장치 (COOL AIR DISCHARGE APPARATUS WITH NOZZLE COVER FOR REFRIGERATOR), 등록번호 10-0459460-0000, 등록일자 2004.11.22
- 안광협, 이정호, 이인원, 이인섭, 2004, 테슬러 밸브가 장착된 왕복동식 압축기의 흡입 머플러 (Intake muffler of reciprocating compressor provided with teslar valve), 등록번호 10-0464077-0000, 등록일자 2004.12.20
- 이인원, 안광협, 이정호, 이인섭, 2004, 토출 밸브 (Exhaust valve), 등록번호 10-0464078-0000, 등록일자 2004.12.20.
- 이인원, 안광협, 이정호, 이인섭, 2005, 왕복동식 압축기 (Compressor), 등록번호 10-0488008-0000, 등록일자 2005.04.28
- 안광협, 이정호, 이인원, 이인섭, 2005, 왕복동식 압축기 (Compressor), 등록번호 10-0488016-0000, 등록일자 2005.04.28
- 조성호, 이인원, 이인섭, 남영석, 최제호, 안광협, 이정호, 성재용, 2005, 좁은 수광각을 갖는 써모파일 적외선 센서 (THERMOPILE INFRARED SENSOR WITH NARROW VISUAL FIELD), 등록번호 10-0492575-0000, 등록일자 2005.05.23.
- 남영석, 조성호, 성재용, 최제호, 이인섭, 이인원, 2005, 냉장고의 냉기분배 시스템 (Air distribution system of Refrigerator), 등록번호 10-0493691-0000 등록일자 2005.05.26.
- 남영석, 조성호, 정윤철, 이인원, 성재용, 안광협, 이정호, 최제호, 2005, 냉장고의 집중 냉각 장치 (CONCENTRATION COOLING APPARATUS FOR REFRIGERATION), 등록번호 10-0504862-0000, 등록일자 2005.07.21.
- 이정호, 안광협, 이인원, 류호선, 2005, 압축기용 흡입머플러의 흡입구 연결구조 (Connecting structure of inhaling muffler of the compressor), 등록번호 10-0517620-0000, 등록일자 2005.09.21.
- 이정호, 안광협, 이인원, 2005, 냉장고의 집중냉각장치 및 방법 (CONCENTRATION COOLING APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR REFRIGERATOR), 등록번호 10-0517919-0000, 등록일자 2005.09.22.
- 이정호, 안광협, 이인원, 류호선, 2006, 왕복동식 압축기 (Reciprocating compressor), 등록번호 10-0565493-0000, 등록일자 2006.03.22.
- 류호선, 이정호, 안광협, 이인원, 2006, 압축기용 윤활유 (Lubricant oil for compressor), 등록번호 10-0591313-0000, 등록일자 2006.06.12.
- 전호환, 김문찬, 이인원, 윤현식, 2006, 리블렛 표면을 적용한 선박용 프로펠러 (Marine Screw Propeller with Riblet Surface), 등록번호 10-0625849-0000, 등록일자 2006.09.12.
- 전호환, 이인원, 안드레이 보이코, 2006, 나노유체 냉각수를 이용한 컴퓨터 중앙처리장치의 냉각장치 (CPU COOLING UNIT USING NANOFLUIDS), 등록번호 10-0655257-0000, 등록일자 2006.12.01.
- 전호환, 이인원, 박현, 정원섭, 조남주, 2009, 방오도료 조성물 (ANTIFOULING PAINT COMPOSITION), 등록번호 10-0880841-0000, 등록일자 2009.01.21.
- 전호환, 이인원, 박현, 2012, 마찰저항 저감 코팅 조성물, 등록번호 10-1133078-0000, 등록일자 2012.03.28.
- 박현, 전호환, 이인원, 2013, 수성 폴리실록산-우레탄-우레아 분산액을 포함하는 방오도료용 수지 조성물 및 이로부터 형성된 방오도막, 등록번호 10-1270522-0000, 등록일자 2013.05.28.
- 박현, 전호환, 조남주, 이인원, 류승환, 2014, 폴리아크릴산계 블록 공중합체와 이의 제조방법 및 이를 포함하는 자기마모형 도료 조성물, 등록번호, 10-1459727-0000, 등록일자 2014.11.03.
- 장호윤, 박성현, 이인원, 박충환, 박희승, 2014, 워터젯을 이용한 보조추진 및 선박 반류 개선장치, 등록번호 10-1473293-0000, 등록일자 2014.12.10
- 장호윤, 박성현, 이인원, 서형석, 권용원, 2015, 카르만볼텍스를 이용한 자가발전장치, 등록번호 10-1490692-0000, 등록일자 2015.02.02.
- 황도훈, 하종운, 한상석, 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 2015, 자기마모형 중합체 및 이를 포함하는 방오도료 조성물, 등록번호 10-1522855-0000, 등록일자 2015.05.19.
- 박현, 이인원, 전호환, 2015, 친수성 폴리머를 포함하는 공중합체 및 이를 포함하는 마찰저항 저감용 조성물, 등록번호 10-1524729-0000, 등록일자 2015.05.26.
- 정광효, 전호환, 이인원, 박현, 2017, 극지용 해양플랜트 보호시스템, 등록번호 10-1710035-0000, 등록일자 2017.02.20.
- 정광효, 전호환, 이인원, 박현, 2017, 원통형 해양 구조물의 빙하 회피 장치, 등록번호 10-1710098-0000, 등록일자 2017.02.20.
- 정광효, 전호환, 이인원, 박현, 2017, 해저 파이프라인 덮개형 보호장치, 등록번호 10-1800359-0000, 등록일자 2017.02.20.
- 황도훈, 하종훈, 박현, 이인원, 2017, 자가마모형 폴리우레탄계 중합체 및 이를 포함하는 방오도료용 조성물, 등록번호 10-1811618-0000, 등록일자 2017.12.18.
- 이인원, 박성현, 2018, 압력구배를 이용한 선박의 공기 윤활 방법, 등록번호 10-1893508-0000, 등록일자 2018.08.24.
국제특허등록 (International Patent Registered)
- Chun, H. H., Lee, I., Park, H., Chung, W. S. and Jo, N. J., 2010, “Antifouling Paint Composition", 싱가포르 특허 149512, 등록일자 2010. 11. 30.
- Chun, H. H., Lee, I., Park, H., Chung, W. S. and Jo, N. J., 2011, “Antifouling Paint Composition", 미국특허 7,989,520 B2, 등록일자 2011. 8. 2.
- Chun, H. H., Lee, I., Park, H., Chung, W. S. and Jo, N. J., 2012, “Antifouling Paint Composition", 일본특허 4995911호, 등록일자 2012. 5. 18.
- Chun, H. H., Lee, I., Park, H., Chung, W. S. and Jo, N. J., 2012, “Antifouling Paint Composition", 중국특허 ZL 200880000475.3, 등록일자 2012. 9. 5.
국내특허출원 (Domestic Patent Pending)
- 이정호, 안광협, 이인원, 이인섭, 2002, 왕복동식 압축기의 가변형 흡입 머플러 (Intake muffler of variable-type of reciprocating compressor), 출원번호 10-2002-0000209.
- 이인원, 안광협, 이정호, 이인섭, 2002, 왕복동식 압축기의 전단층 확산 토출포트 (Outlet-port for diffusion shear layer of reciprocating compressor), 출원번호 10-2002-0000206.
- 이인섭, 이인원, 안광협, 이정호, 2002, 토출 밸브 시스템 (Exhaust valve system), 출원번호 10-2002-0012774.
- 변상영, 이인원, 서형석, 장호윤, 2014, 열수축 필름을 이용한 복합소재 제품의 제조방법, 국내출원, 10-2014-0008581, 출원일자 2014.01.23.
- 진형진, 진광수, 공현준, 이인원, 2017, 승화현상을 억제하는 개선된 브릿지만 결정성장법, 국내출원, 10-2017-0071740, 출원일자 2017.06.08.
국제특허출원 (International Patent Pending)
- Chun, H. H., Lee, I., Park, H., Chung, W. S. and Jo, N. J., 2009, “Antifouling Paint Composition", EP 08 723 795.4, 유럽출원, 출원일자 2009. 1. 23
- 전호환, 이인원, 박현, “마찰저항 저감 코팅 조성물", PCT/KR2009/006033, 국제출원, 출원일자 2009. 09. 16.